Gaurav Gireesh

1102 W 29th Street · Los Angeles, CA 90007 · (323) 382-6382 ·

Experienced in Agile and Waterfall Models of Software Development. Full Stack Developer aiming to revolutionize Web Development building robust, secure Software applications.


Software Engineering Intern Deep Engine

Amazon Web Services

Work with Senior Software Engineers and Designers to develop and contribute functionalities in Deep Neural Network Training libraries, to help Amazon customers.

Apache MXNet Open SOurce contribution

  1. Develop Loss functions which are widely used by customers world wide. PoissonNLLLoss function, Cosine Embedding Loss function implemented,
  2. Unit test cases to test the new Loss functions implemented.
  3. Code samples contributed to use the new Loss function.

September, 2018 - December, 2018

Audio DataLoaders/Iterators in Gluon API

  1. Design an Iterator to iterate over Audio Data in Gluon API - MXNet Backend
  2. Developed Iterator on Audio(wav) files to provide random batches of audio samples for training Automatic Speech Recgnition and Test to Speech System using Wavenet

Software Engineering Intern (Video Platforms)

Fox Networks - Digital Consumer Group

Partner with Sr. Engineering leads to support the architecture, design, development, and deployment of platform services for Fox’s digital video products across web, mobile as well as the next generation of devices. While supporting the team, you will develop tools and services using a combination of Node.js, Python, and other relevant technologies that power our Video On Demand ingestion platform and Livestream Monitoring tools.

Fox- Multi CDN Dynamic Switching

  1. Design and develop a decisioning service that provides a Multi CDN solution ensuring delivery of seamless, high performance, high resolution live stream videos across the globe to Fox users.
  2. For a Multi-CDN setup, same content/ assets are distributed across multiple Content Delivery Networks for distribution in different regions across the United States. However, CDNs vary in performance throughout the day, sometimes leading to videos buffering and pausing during the stream which leads to a negative users’ viewing experience.
  3. The multi cdn solution intelligently switches the streams to come from a different Origin/CDN when these issues occur, to ensure high resolution videos are delivered to the users without any pauses, buffering during playback.
  4. The intelligent switch ensures that the HTML5 players embedded in web page provide a good playback. The decisioning service leverages the metrics from players across the globe to decide which CDNs perform the best at every point of time.
  5. Service built using NodeJS, deployed on AWS Lambda and Amazon's EC2 instances.

June, 2018 - August, 2018

VDMS API Validation

  1. Invoke VDMS apis and validate the Live player content hosted by Verizon for Fox video assets, especially HTTP Live streams
  2. Design an authentication service that invokes Adobe's Authentication service and performs a login of the given user to various MVPDs (Multi-channel Video programming distributors) and returns an Authentication token.
  3. To ensure that the Live playing programmes on about 200 owned and non-owned channels across the United States are running accurately according to the EPG Listings(Electronic Programming guide) available, returned by the APIs.
  4. If errors are detected, they are streamed/logged to multiple event collectors of Splunk for the operators and stakeholders to act on them.
  5. Organize processes in cluster with Master and Worker processes serving over 190 Video distribution stations concurrently. Master spawns workers on death automatically, keeping uninterrupted service to these stations.

Software Developer

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Global Connectivity Platform or Mobile Virtual Network Operator

Develop an MVNx Portal that provides a User Interface to MVNOs for invoking a set of APIs to enable them to access Provisioning data and Customer Service to the customers. It would be a portal where Customers can login and recharge or topup their Network device( USB Sticks ) with the Internet (3G/2G) Data. The process went through a Workflow process that included an approval with the managers or supervizing officers of the Employee/Customer.

  1. Develop back end services using Java Spring Boot framework to persist data into the database(MySQL) and expose these functionalities as RestFul APIs to be invoked by the Client-facing Front End Application

  2. Actively designed and implemented a Proof of Concept (POC) to demonstrate the Client , the values of moving the single Monolithic Application into the MicroServices architecture which would make the Application Cloud Native and Cloud ready. The Applcation was deployed on HP owned MicroCloud HPE Helion -Stackato.

  3. As a Demonstration to the Client, showed how Logs can be streamed out of Applications on the cloud, How the overall Health of the Application's health can be monitored using a Product called APP DYNAMAICS. It also involved a demonstration of Auto Scaling of the application where new instances were automatically spawned for the application due to the rise of the number of incoming requests.

December, 2015 - December, 2016

Vodafone Global Enterprise (VGE) and Single Access Partner Portal (SAPP)

Develop a Website for managing content for World's leading Telecom Company Vodafone and to design a Web Portal to manage various Buiseness Partners of the Company. The Business Partners should be able to login to the Portal and access Applications provisioned by Vodafone according to their Roles.

  1. Authored the design of the Flex Asset Model to hold the hierarchy of Various Contents of Vodaone- Articles, News and Insights, Images, Videos and so on.
  2. Design and Create the User Interface components - Website Header and Footer with Navigation links to the entire website. The Pages were supposed to display Breadcrumbs for moving within the site.
  3. Customize the Oracle WebCenter Sites tool's Out of the Box features- coded a Batch script that resolved unique id conflicts which sped up the Deployment processes of content and templates by a margin of 24%.

July, 2013 - October, 2015

Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB, Singapore)

A Government undertaking which required a System/Portal which enabled the permanent residents of Singapore to enroll into the Providents Fund plans to fund their retirements, healthcare and housing needs.

  1. Developed the Back End services (Business services) to persist Customers data on to the Database(Oracle).
  2. The operations included Create, Read, Update and Delete operations to be performed on Customer Data.
  3. Integrating with the Front End of this Application to call these back end services

October, 2012 - June, 2013

Backend Engineer

Perfit Inc.

  1. Building Backend Restful Web services for User Management using Python and Django Rest Framework for the startup Perfit.
  2. Functionalities included safe User registration, Login and authentication using JSON Web Token(JWT)
  3. Overriding default behavior of Django apps for User password reset and built in templates to suit the startup’s demands.

September, 2017 - March, 2018


University of Southern California

Computer Science

  • Algorithms and Data Structures
  • Applied Natural Language Processing
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Information Retrieval and Search Engines
  • Web Technologies
  • Database Systems

GPA: 3.65

January 2017 - December 2018

Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Bangalore, INDIA

Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Science

GPA: 9.27 / 10.0

September 2008 - July 2012

Academic Projects

Search Engine

Apache Solr - 7.2.1, Lucene and Apache TIKA

  • Search Engine is a web application designed using Angular 5 on front end with Express/Node app invoking Solr APIs to search on a Lucene index database of 14k web pages downloaded from Newsday website crawled by a crawler4j web crawler.

  • This search engine has features of Auto-Suggest and Spelling Detection/Correction.

  • The auto suggest feature allows users to select 5 best choices for their query keywords in Real time

Information Extraction

Google Dataproc, Map Reduce, Google App Engine

  • Generate an Inverted index for 4000 digital books to facilitate a faster search through documents, enabling a better User experience while searching in the Search engine.

  • Use Map Reduce jobs to generate the Inverted index on Google Dataproc cluster.

Android Application for Facebook Search

Facebook Graph APIs, Google Application Engine

  • Created an android application to invoke a web application in PHP to fetch information of Users, Groups, Events, Places and Pages on Facebook, using Facebook Graph APIs.

  • The app was deployed on Google Cloud.

Identification and Expansion of Abbreviations and Shorthand text messages

Java Swing, Python- nltk, Stanford POS Tagger

  • Led a team of 3 to develop a Natural Language Processing application that identifies various abbreviations and short-hands and then expands into their appropriate expansions ensuring context disambiguation.


Programming Languages & Tools
Other tools and libraries:


Apart from being a Full-stack software developer/ Web programmer, I enjoy Music. I love the Classics - Boyzone, Backstreet Boys.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of comedy movies and television shows and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy advancements in the Backend and Front end web development world.


  • Best Performer (Practical) in Training program in HP.
  • Second prize in ‘HACKNEX’, a competition on ‘Ethical Hacking and Information Security'.